קהל מתיאוס תל אביב

Contribution to activity

The Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra is supported by the Director of Culture – Ministry of Culture and Sports; Jerusalem Municipality – Culture Department.
Special events and festivals are supported by the Fund for Jerusalem and the Lottery Council for Culture and Art. The new organ of the Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra was purchased thanks to the support of:
Jeff, Joseph and Morton Mendel Foundation, Cleveland Ohio | Jerusalem Municipality – Culture Department

Private donors and supporters:
Debra and Louis Gerber, Prof. Menachem Magidor, Raphaela Haralf, Dalia Pershkar, Rina Ravid, Dr. Lior Alon, Hana Arnon, Shelly Boharon, Margarita Bergman, Raya Zemran, Joseph Tauman, Helen Carmel, Ram Lioui, Hillel Milgram, Efrat Neve, Esther Narkis, Stuart Stenson, Tony Capstick, Anat Shabo-Perlmutter, Ruth Shoss, Gabi Sheffler

Details of JBO bank account for the forwarding of donations:

Bank Hapoalim – (Bank No.12),

branch 782

account number: 226403

We also accept donations through the PEF and The Jerusalem Foundation

Donations are recognized for tax purposes, income tax directive, clause 46. JBO is registered in PEF and JGive and donations are recognized for tax purposes in the USA, Canada and England

This year the Baroque Orchestra is celebrating 30 years of its foundation - 30 years of the Baroque scene in Israel.
We suggest you join us and donate to the orchestra, so that we can

To continue to develop the updated historical performance scene in Israel

Offer to receive more and more diverse and fascinating repertoire of historical performances

To promote and train Israeli musicians in the historical performance

To bring back to Israel Israeli baroque musicians from around the world


The orchestra's circle of donors

Join the orchestra’s circle of supporters and receive the orchestra’s latest album, news about the orchestra’s activities, discounts and benefits for the orchestra’s concerts and events.
Your name will be mentioned among the members of the Golden Circle in all orchestra programs, the Facebook page and the website.

Donation amount: 500-5000 ₪

The silver circle
of the orchestra donors

Join the money circle and receive: a subscription to the orchestra, a CD as a gift, discounts and benefits for the orchestra’s concerts and events.
Your name will be mentioned among the members of the Golden Circle in all orchestra programs, the Facebook page and the website.

Donation amount: 5,000-10,000 ₪

The golden circle
of the orchestra's donors

Joining the orchestra’s prestigious golden circle entitles the joiners to an invitation to exclusive events for members of the golden circle with the participation of our soloists from Israel and the world and with the orchestra’s players, as well as: a subscription to the orchestra and a CD as a gift, discounts and benefits for the orchestra’s concerts and events.
Your name will be mentioned among the members of the Golden Circle in all orchestra programs, the Facebook page and the website.

Donation amount: over 10,000 ₪

Special - "Adopt a player"

You are invited to adopt one of the orchestra’s players and gain direct contact to get to know the player’s world behind the scenes.

Donation amount: 25,000 ₪